3eme Cuirassiers
“Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.”

“The word impossible is not French.”

“The Grande Armée fought hard, seldom cheered, and always bitched.”
Capitaine Elzear Blaze


3eme Regiment de Cuirassiers

“My heart is yours, my blood the Emperor’s, and my life belongs to honor.” 
The Comte de Lasalle to his wife, the night before he was killed at the Battle of Wagram.     

Paul Flemming, President



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“People who think about retreating before a battle is fought should have stayed at home.”
Marechal Michel Ney


  • 1:26

Any questions about our Unit

Welcome to the 3eme Regiment de Cuirassiers, a cavalry living history and reenacting unit. Our objective is to honor the men who served in this unit during the Napoleonic Era by participating in reenactments, demonstrations, and other living history educational events.